Club Champs and Leadership

Club Leadership

Do you think you could show the Committee a thing or two about running our club?
Now is your chance.

England Athletics have launched a Club Leadership Programme which is open to members with aspirations to be involved in helping to manage and lead our club into the future and keep us up to date both on and off the track.

Running this autumn, the programme consists of a series of online training webinars, networking opportunities and gives access to experts and other resources.

The future of the club depends on the next generation of leaders to take on the roles of steering it forward.

This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in gaining knowledge and insight into what this involves, and getting involved in becoming a key member in the ongoing development of WPH.

If you feel this would be of interest to you, please contact our chair, Sally Delgado at to put your name forward.

Club Champs

Unfortunately, we are having to cancel this year’s Club Championships that was pencilled in for 6th September.

The competition is getting quite a reputation within Bucks and further afield for both excellence and friendliness and we made this difficult decision for a number of reasons, including not only Covid but also the unavailability of our experienced meeting managers.

This popular event can’t survive without your help. Volunteers are a vitally important part of any club like ours and without them events simply can’t happen. There are many jobs that need to be done to make it a continued success, including before the day. These are not onerous tasks, it’s just a little bit of your time that is needed.

If you feel you would be able to help in some capacity please speak to Sally Delgado about the roles that we need to fill. I’m sure we all want Wycombe Phoenix to continue to be a competitive club and to be able to host enjoyable events for all our athletes. Please help to support your club!