Club Officers and Other Volunteers

Club Officers and Support Volunteers



Richard Claessens

Vice Chair

Sean Wilson


Lindsay Matthews

* Until replacement can be found

Club Secretary

Paul Burton

Welfare Officers

Katrina (Squish) Warkcup

Sean Wilson

Membership Secretary

Maggie Cooper

Coach Representative

Mike Taylor

Team Managers’ Liaison

Duncan Griffin

Press & Comms Secretary

David Clark

Officials Secretary

Sally Delgado

Athletes’ Representative

Leanne Wellings

Bucks AA Representative

Lance Free and Lawrie Thomas

General Members

Sarah Uhart and Debra Wells

Minutes Secretary (non-voting)

Sarah Uhart

Team Managers

Lower YDL

U13G Emma Feeney (main contact)
U13B Clare Warner
U15G Paul Readman
U15B Karen Winter
YDL system setup: Tayo Ekeh

Upper YDL (U17s/U20s) Girls

Duncan Griffin

Upper YDL (U17s/U20s) Boys

From Chiltern AC

Men’s Track & Field

David Clark

Women’s Track & Field

Andrea Styles

Cross Country U11s-U15s

Duncan Griffin

Winter Endurance U17s – Senior Women


Winter Endurance U17s – Senior Men

Sean Wilson


Other Key Volunteers

New Members Secretary

Jeremy Mitchell

Enquiries Secretary

Mike Taylor

Meeting and Greeting to support the Members Secretary


Event Volunteers Coordinator


Facilities Bookings

Steve Sutton

Website Update and Support

Lian Chan & Paul Burton

Club Notice Board Support

Steph Gonalves

Club Kit Manager

Emma Hogbin

Social Team Member


Parents/Carers and Athletes, Can You Help?

Our club is run by a team of volunteers. We need your help however much time you can give. Select "I can help", then "Volunteering".

Coaches and Coaching Assistants

Please see our Squad Pages for information about our Coaches and Coaching Assistants.

Interested in Coaching or Assisting a Coach?

Help assist with any coach on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday.  No previous experience required.

As a first step you'll be encouraging athletes, keeping them organised, timing or helping to set up equipment. If you can make a few sessions, you'll learn lots of interesting techniques and, if you would like to, join in with coaching.

It's really enjoyable and rewarding!

Select “Volunteers” on the “Contact Us” page to find out more.


How Parents/Carers, Family and Friends can Earn League Points for the Club

Every club in each league needs to have a team of people at each match to help run it. This could be sitting in the stand with a stop watch, checking relay changeovers or measuring a long jump.

You'll be there anyway and asked to help, so why not earn more points and become a qualified official?

You just need to go to a beginners course, take an online safety test and then get 4 experiences at matches and a DBS. It couldn't be simpler and you could be qualified by the end of the season, earning much needed points for the team. You'll be helped every step of the way by our other volunteers.

There are four main disciplines:

  • Field - the long jump, discus etc
  • Timekeeping – we’re reliably informed that this is the best seat in the house for races
  • Track – who won? Did the relay baton make it round?
  • Starter / Starter’s Assistant – make an entrance with a bang

Find out what Sally has to say about her officiating experience.

If you're interested in officiating do have a look at the England Athletics website, or have a chat with Sally Delgado in her role as the Club Officials Administrator on a Tuesday training night or at Officials courses can be found here.