Training during Step 3 – May 2021
Main Messages updated Tuesday 18th May 2021 at 5.40 pm
Events section updated Tuesday 18th May 2021 at 5.40 pm
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Step 3 changes
It’s been great to see the healthy buzz about the track that we’ve had for the last five weeks.
In practical terms, you will see very little change in training in Step 3.
so please adhere to social distancing and hygiene processes and our Covid Plan, which remains valid from 29th March 2021, including the Athlete Responsibility Section
What Next?
- We hope that soon, we will be able to:
- open up the coffee shop (let your coach know or use our contact form to be on the rota for this); and
- hold information/social evenings outside, at the track in the very near future – let us know the topics you’d like us to cover.
(This all relies on us receiving promised, clearer guidance from England Athletics and updated plans with Serco.)
Look out for messages on our website, closed Facebook page, Instagram account and from and your coach for changes and updates.
Competition and events updates
The leagues and other competition providers now have dates for competition to restart. There are also Open Events. All these competitions are all run under UK Athletics/ England Athletics Covid guidelines.
League and County matches have been put on our website calendar and are summarised here:

Look out for messages from your coach and the Team Managers.
We need to take helpers and officials to each of our league matches. Please get in touch with Sally Delgado via the club email address or our contact form to help these competitions take place.
Athlete Responsibility – from club Covid Plan
Athletes also have a responsibility to keep themselves, their fellow club members and members of the public, safe.
Breach of the arrangements by a member may lead to action by the committee under the provisions of the club constitution relating to the conduct of members.
By taking part in Club Activity during the Covid-19 pandemic, the athlete is agreeing (and for athletes who are under 18, their parent/carer is agreeing on their, and the athlete’s behalf) to:
- Accept that, as with all physical activity, risk cannot be completely eliminated and by participating in club training sessions;
- Comply with the latest Government guidance on Covid-19, as may change from time to time, and abide by local rules and guidance which currently includes no indoor training for any athletes;
- Comply with the latest England Athletics guidance (which can be found at on the England Athletics website, and may be updated from time to time), including hygiene and remaining socially distanced at 2m, and any further club Covid arrangements, which may be updated from time to time and notified by coaches or other club officers via the squad’s normal communication platform, the website or email;
- NOT attend training (and to inform the coach as soon as possible) if they are Covid-19 symptomatic or living in a household with someone else who has a possible or confirmed COVID-19 infection, or are isolating for any reason, including at the request of NHS/Government test/track and trace or a school;
- Inform the relevant coach if they (or any of their household) develop symptoms of Covid-19 or are isolating, within 14 days of having attended a training session;
- NOT attend training if they are vulnerable with respect to Covid 19 or are living in a household with someone who is vulnerable. Athletes in this position who wish to train should discuss possible arrangements with their coach and the club Covid-19 coordinator;
- Cooperate with any “track and trace” enquiries from a relevant authority including:
- NHS/Government test/track and trace;
- The Club’s Covid-19 coordinator and
- Completing the UKA Covid-19 Tracking Form if they have attended a session and subsequently tested positive for Covid.
- Follow the arrangements for training communicated by their coach, including which sessions to attend and which equipment to take;
- Bring the following hygiene kit to each session (in addition to anything they would normally take to a training session):
- 60% + alcohol hand sanitizer gel;
- Anti-bacterial wipes;
- Face covering and gloves that can be used in emergencies (for e.g. First Aid) and inside any building while not engaged directly in training (e.g. while entering or leaving or using the toilet facilities);
- Personal medication that might be needed during training (labelled for use); and
- Plasters (so that no basic first aid needs to be done by anyone else);
- Arrive at training sessions, “training ready” and taking any essential equipment;
- Not socialise before or after the training session, instead to go straight to the prearranged meeting point at the start of the training session and, at the end of the session, leave the venue separately and immediately;
- Not share lifts with other households;
- Have no spectators. Parents/carers who wish to stay will be asked to stay in their cars, however a maximum of 6 adults (with accompanying siblings of athletes) may watch from the car park alongside the Little Marlow track fence, providing social distancing is observed.