Track Etiquette
We have had a few recent instances when athletes have been careless when using the track. At best this is disrespectful to fellow athletes. At worst, it could be dangerous.
If you are new to the Club or you may be simply unaware of the track rules, please read the short guide to our rules, below:
(Guidelines to promote safe and best utilisation of the track).
Always beware, particularly when crossing the track.
- Warming up/down, running to take place in outside 2 lanes or ideally on the grass. Never on the inside lanes, unless the ground is hard, icy or wet.
- Measured or timed runs which exceed 100m should be carried out on the inside 3 lanes.
- Endurance athletes should never run in lanes 4-8.
- If you are running on the inside lanes and other runners approach from behind, do not move out as this is likely to move you into the path of the faster moving athletes. Let them negotiate their way around you; as long as they know you will not move out, your presence should not cause a major problem.
- When you have finished your run, get off the track by the shortest route immediately. This is usually by stepping onto the edge of the infield where you can wait until it is safe to cross to the edge of the grass on the outside of the track.
- Never stand around on the track unnecessarily.
- Always run anticlockwise. If you are doing back/back turn-abouts, never use the inside 3 lanes; ensure the area in use is coned off. Always be aware of and give way to athletes coming in the opposite direction. (See note below re pole vaulters).
- If you are running and someone is in your way, obstructing the track without reason, shout: “TRACK” at full volume as early as possible.
- Recovery walks and jogs should not take place on the infield unless absolutely necessary and then you must keep as close to the track edge as possible to minimise the risk of being hit by flying field event implements.
- Never walk across the infield!!
- Be aware of people using the javelin run ways as their run-up lengths may vary. Always treating it as you would the track and checking before crossing this area.
- Throwers should never retrieve their throwing tools (shot, discus, javelin or hammer) until instructed to do so by the coach in charge of the session.
- ‘Practise swings’ of the hammer and the discus should not take place outside the cage area to prevent a situation where a throwing tool slips out of control, causing injury to others.
There may be times when Pole Vaulters need to carry out drills on the track. As the pole is normally carried bearing out to the left, and to contain the number of lanes taken up, the athletes are to use the outside lanes and run opposite direction to normal. This practice will be limited to the outside 3 lanes at the finish line end of the 100m straight.