Tuesday night café, developing the club and AGM
Tuesday 12th October – Pick-up time Club Chat in the club room
Yes, the café is re-opening
Come in out of the cold, meet our fellow club members and find out about developing our Club.
Bring your questions and your opinions.
Timings are:
- Café open from 7pm
- 8.20pm – chat about developing our Club.
- Committee members and other volunteers will be in and out throughout the evening so pop in, grab a hot drink and build our community.
Many hands make light work – if you’d like the café to be a permanent fixture again, be part of the rota by dropping Sally an email (volunteers@wycombephoenix.org)
Monday 6th December – Club AGM
Help to shape the future of the club and decide on important issues such as:
how the club is run day to day, who makes the decisions and the cost of membership fees.
- Details, of venue, timing (in the evening) and agenda will be posted on the website, Facebook page and sent out by email nearer the time.
- In the meantime, to put something on the agenda or stand for one of the committee positions, please contact your Club Secretary at clubsecretary@wycombephoenix.org
Covid considerations:
- Please don’t attend any event or training if you have, suspect you have, or have had close contact with someone suspected of having Covid (but please do get in touch);
- While at the track (in the club house or outside) please keep socially distanced;
- We ask everyone to respect other members’ vulnerability and wear a mask if requested by someone else, in any situation (unless exempt).