Entries Open – WPH Club Championships and Invitational – Saturday 22nd April 2023

This is a fun event as well as being an essential part of our athletics year. It prepares athletes and parents for competition, shows the athlete’s commitment to the club all in a friendly environment.

The closing date for entries is Sunday, 16th April and all the information you need is on the Roster website where you enter or here.

Parents, family and friends, please step forward to help on the day to make the event a success for you, your athlete and the club. You’ll learn about the club and competitions and you’ll also get the chance to work alongside national and international officials that you might have seen on the TV!

Incorporating the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire County U15 & U17 3000m events.

This year the Championships is being held at Stoke Mandeville Stadium (the home of the Paralympics).

This event, run by the Club for the Club and County, always has great feedback.

  • It’s aimed at athletes from FUNDamentals up to U15s and is an ideal opportunity for their families to find out how athletics matches work and learn about what goes on behind the scenes.
  • All races will be timed with electronic, PhotoFinish timing.